Man Buys Hundreds Of Newspapers To Try And Hide His DWI Arrest

Joseph Talbot really, really didn’t want people to know he got a DWI. The 43-year-old was arrested in Wayne County, New York and charged with a drunk driving. When he was taken to the station he initially refused to be fingerprinted or have his mugshot taken, and called the trooper an “a*****e” or was “ruining” his family. Talbot was then also charged with obstruction and his picture was taken anyway.

Ron Holdraker, the owner and operator of local paper Times of Wayne County got ahold of the story, and Holdraker’s mugshot, and published both. He says Talbot went to a newsstand and bought almost a thousand copies of the paper at $1.25 a pop.

No word on whether Talbot knows his face also appear on the paper’s website

Source: NBC New York